Tuesday, August 2, 2016

'सखी सैयां तो खूब ही कमात हैं, महँगाई डायन खाय जात है... - by K.J.S.Chatrath

One has been reading about the cost of daals having gone up to and beyond Rs.200/ per kg.

Any idea what is the price of various vegetables in the market?

No? Take a look. It may not be the exact price being charged by all the retailers, but is indicative.

 Peas...Rs.90 kg
Cauliflower...Rs.82 kg.
Beans...Rs.80 kg.
Tomato...Rs.76 kg.
Lauki....Rs.70 kg,
Turai....Rs.70 kg,
Baigan (bharta)...Rs.64 kg.
Band Gobhi.....Rs.62 kg,
Bhindi......Rs. 60  kg,
Potato...Rs.30 kg,
Onions...Rs.25 kg,

 सखी सैयां तो खूब ही कमात हैं, महँगाई डायन खाय जात  है...